      During 2007, the Centre has undergone an amazing refurbishment which has
      brought our facilities upto first class, we offer many facilities that some
      centres do not have.

  • A new a 60m x 20m all weather manege with an option to extend to 60m x 35.

  • 12 new "American Style" Monarch stables with 6 of them being 15' X 13' and
              the rest being 15' x 12'.

  • A wash down room with hot and cold water

  • A state of the art solarium complete with Monarch Stocks for the benefits of  helping repair muscle damage caused by
             competing, or to dry your horse off after a good scrub the decision is yours.

  • A heated "Rug Room" to make sure if your rugs, numnahs and anything else gets wet it can be dried at the yard.

         For our clients we have:

  • Toilets/ changing facilities with shower and a disabled toilet,

  • A heated communal room where you can chat with  friends and enjoy a hot / cold drink  and biscuits

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