       Recently we have installed a solarium; we chose to have a solarium after
       speaking to various horse organisations and listening to our clients.

       Below are Benefits of using a "Kylix" Solarium

  • Speeds up drying of horses after washing down, with no fear of chills even in winter

  • Promotes muscle tone, improving performance

  • Treatment before work reduces 'warming up time' 

  • Treatment after work reduces recovery time by reducing lactic acid build up

  • Promotes healing by reduction of inflammation and the deep treatment gives relief to back pain and other muscular problems 

       To complement the solarium we the had Monarch stocks fitted at the same time.
       The stocks can  be used independently from the solarium. The stocks can be
       used for various tasks, the main task being  veterinary examinations.

       The Stocks and Solarium can be hired privately to the public, however our livery
       clients take priority

       The price for the solarium are: £2.00 per session

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